Admissions Process
Barton Park Primary School is now a 1 form entry school, which means that we have an intake of 30 in each year group. We were a 0.5 form entry school up to July 2022 which means we had 15 pupils per year group and have combined year group classes for our oldest 4 year groups. We have a maximum of 30 children in KS1. This class size is limited by infant class size legislation: (4.1 School Admissions (Infant Class Sizes) (England) Regulations 2012).
Over time, Barton Park Primary School is expected to grow to a 1.5 form entry school. This means that, when there is sufficient demand within our catchment, we will take 45 children into each reception class, each year.
For a place in our Reception Class, families need to apply to the local authority for a school place, so that their children can start school in September, after their 4th birthday.
Barton Park Primary School follows the Oxfordshire School Admissions process.
The County Council has clear, fair and agreed school admissions arrangements.
Admissions officers are responsible for:
- Ensuring that the County Council has clear, fair and agreed school admissions arrangements.
- Consulting on admissions arrangements for community and controlled schools
- Allocating school places and determining the eligibility to free home to school transport, the latter in liaison with the Integrated Transport Unit
- Providing relevant information for, and ensuring County Council representation at, admissions appeals.
- Working closely with School Organisation Officers to ensure sufficiency of school places
- Providing advice, guidance and data relating to admissions.
All applicants refused a place have a right of appeal heard by an independent panel, arranged via the council: